Massive Open Online Courses - Main reasons for the popularity of MOOCs
All over the world, the popularity of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) is growing like never before. Tens of millions of candidates of all ages are using MOOCs to enhance their CVs, improve their career prospects and discover exciting new subjects.
But what is it about MOOCs in specific that makes them such a revolutionary access point to adult education? When considering the fact that Massive Open Online Courses don’t typically lead to college credits or recognized qualifications, why enrol on a MOOC in the first place?
The answer - Massive Open Online Courses can be uniquely beneficial in a variety of ways, including the following:
1. Various Subjects Available
One of the biggest advantages of Massive Open Online Courses is the way in which they allow you to study almost any subject that takes your fancy. It could be something you didn’t have time to study before or had never previously considered – anything you have an interest in is open for exploration. From internet marketing to customer service to construction management to hotel management to travel and tourism, it’s never been easier to broaden your horizons.

2. Try Before You Buy
If considering enrolling on a fulltime paid course of any kind, it’s useful the first determine if the subject really is for you. A key benefit of MOOCs being the opportunity to explore the subject at entry-level, before moving on to more advanced studies. In addition, you’ll have every opportunity to put the service provider to the test, ensuring they’re capable of delivering on your expectations.
3. An Introduction to Online Learning
Massive Open Online Courses are typically the simplest and most basic of online courses, which are easy to negotiate irrespective of age or experience. As such, they provide newcomers with a solid introduction to the basics of online learning. Once again therefore, ideal for candidates considering enrolling on more intensive and demanding online courses.
4. Preparation for More Advanced Studies
As is often said, anyone looking to fly must first master crawling and walking. If you have every intention of studying something at the highest possible level, it may be necessary to establish at least a rudimentary knowledge of the subject beforehand. Free courses being great for those planning to dive into Diploma-level studies, or more advanced educational programmes.
5. Committed Tutor Support
Oxford Home Study Centre is one of few distance learning specialists to provide every candidate with committed tutor support – including those who enrol on our free MOOCs. A unique opportunity to be guided and inspired by an experienced and qualified professional, without having to pay a penny for the privilege.
6. No Qualifications or Experience Required
What’s also great about Massive Open Online Courses is they are open to literally everyone without exception. Irrespective of existing qualifications, educational background, location, age and so on, anyone can enrol on a MOOC and benefit from its teachings. A uniquely open and accessible alternative to conventional educational programmes.
7. MOOCs Are Comprehensively Flexible
As with all of our courses, candidates who enrol on our MOOCs enjoy the freedom to study in their own time and at their own pace. With absolutely no deadlines or time restrictions to worry about, candidates are free to create their own study schedules, in accordance with their existing lifestyles. Our exclusive digital learning platform can be accessed 24/7 from anywhere in the world for maximum convenience.
8. Boost Your CV and Career Prospects
Employers worldwide universally value employees and prospective candidates who take proactive control over their futures. Successfully completing any kind of course takes initiative, determination, ambition and competent self-management. All the kinds of qualities employers look for in candidates at every level.
9. No Limitations
If looking to see what MOOCs are all about, sign up for the course of your choosing and try it out for yourself. After which, there are no limitations whatsoever as to how many Massive Open Online Courses you can take. Complete just one course, a handful of courses or as many courses as you can find – it’s entirely up to you!
10. They’re Free
Last but not least, it goes without saying that one of the biggest selling points of all when it comes to Massive Open Online Courses is that they are free of charge. No strings attached, no hidden fees and no catches – 100% free courses of the highest quality, open to ambitious candidates worldwide. Whether you choose to take one course or 100 courses, you’ll never pay a penny for the education you receive!
For more information on any of our Massive Open Online Courses or to discuss enrolment, contact a member of the Oxford Home Study Centre team today on 00 44 186 568 6162, or send an email with your questions to