Hospitality Management Meaning
Hospitality Management Meaning

Hospitality Management Meaning, Functions and Objectives

If you intend to climb the career ladder in hospitality management, you first need to establish a hospitality management meaning.  Or to put it another way, a broad definition of what hospitality management is and why it exists.

Roughly defined, hospitality management refers to the application of management concepts and structured leadership in the areas of accommodation, dining and general guest services.  From the largest hotels to the smallest cafeterias, all such businesses form an important part of the hospitality industry. 

Whereas commercial businesses focus primarily on selling products, it could be said that hospitality is more about selling services, experiences and enjoyment.

In key markets worldwide, the travel and tourism sector is one of the largest , most lucrative and fastest growing.  The sheer scope and diversity of the hospitality sector is extraordinary, incorporating everything from major international hotel chains to local restaurants to vehicle rental services and many more besides.

As for hospitality management, the term refers to an extensive range of functions and responsibilities that ensure the best possible guest experience.  Human resource management, marketing management, accountancy and financial management, PR and reputation management - all fall within the confines of hospitality management.

With the industry being so diverse, hospitality management meaning, functions and objectives vary significantly from one business to the next.  However, the primary goal of hospitality management remains the same - to ensure each and every guest enjoys the same flawless experience from start to finish.

Hospitality management meaning

Hospitality Management Course Syllabus

Breaking into the hospitality sector is relatively easy, given its incorporation of so many entry-level roles.  In fact, the most inspiring success stories in hospitality management often begin right at the bottom of the ladder.  One day you’re a server enthusiastically waiting tables, the next you’re in charge of a five-star hotel with more than 500 luxury suites.

That said, a relevant educational background and commitment to continuous professional development are mandatory.  If you expect to climb the career ladder to the highest possible positions, you need to demonstrate your ambition and enthusiasm.  Precisely where an accredited hospitality management course could help.

Once again, each hospitality management course syllabus varies, in accordance with which area of the industry it focuses on and the educational institution behind it.  Nevertheless, there are certain key concepts at the heart of successful hospitality management you can expect to examine.

Examples of which include the following:

  • The importance of customer satisfaction
  • Hospitality marketing and sales
  • Service quality management
  • PR and reputation management
  • Staff recruitment and training
  • General HR management
  • Food and beverage operations
  • Housekeeping and maintenance
  • Workplace health and safety
  • Accountancy and financial management

Just a few of the subtopics you can expect to encounter, when studying for a hospitality management award.

The Difference Between Hospitality and Hotel Management

It’s not uncommon for hospitality and hotel management to be used as near-identical, certainly interchangeable terms.  Indeed, the professions and subjects at an academic level share many similarities.

However, there are distinct differences between hospitality and hotel management that are worth acknowledging.  Particularly if you favour one side of the industry over the other, it’s worth familiarising yourself with how hospitality and hotel management differ.

A few of the main differences being as follows:

  • Area of work

As indicated by the name, hotel management focuses exclusively on the provision of accommodation and related guest services, within a hotel establishment. By contrast, hospitality management could apply to a supervisory role in a much wider variety of business areas - restaurants, cafes, nightclubs, casinos and so on.

  • Employment sectors

If you have a background in hospitality management, this can be used to build a rewarding career in almost any area of hospitality - including hotel management.  If you exclusively focus on hotel management, you may find your career options more limited to the global accommodation and general travel and tourism sectors.

  • Responsibilities

In a typical hospitality setting, the guest may spend an hour or two in your company.  In a hotel, you may look after any given guest for days, weeks or even months on end.  Hence, the latter calls for a considerably different approach to management and service provision.  Many of the day-to-day responsibilities in hotels and general hospitality settings are similar, but running a hotel isn’t nearly the same as running a casual restaurant or eatery.

A Thriving and Accessible Sector

Whatever your ambitions and objectives, there’s really never been a better time to join this thriving and evolving sector.  To become a confident and capable leadership figure in hospitality is to enjoy extraordinary career prospects for life.  Irrespective of whether you focus on hotel management or wider hospitality management, demand for talented personnel at all levels is at an all-time high.

Not only this, but both hospitality and hotel management are true global sectors.  A benefit that translates to the opportunity to work in almost any major market worldwide.  Explore career opportunities in your immediate locality, or set your sights on something more ambitious overseas. If you’ve got the drive, determination and desire to make it to the top of the ladder, there really is nothing stopping you.

Head over to our Hospitality Management Course page for more information on our exclusive distance learning programmes.